Fourth Grade Supply List
- 1- pack of lined notebook paper
- 1-pair of earbuds (No gaming headphones)
- 1- child size scissors
- 60- #2 pre-sharpened Ticonderoga pencils
- 12- glue sticks (no liquid glue)
- 1- pack of colored pencils
- 1-pack of crayons
- 1- composition notebook
- 3- two-Pocket folders
- 1- pack of Expo dry erase markers
- 1- fabric pencil holder (NO boxes)
- 2- containers of Lysol Wipes
- 2- boxes of tissues
- 1- bottle hand sanitizer
- 1-box of quart Ziploc baggies
- 1- pack Post-it notes
- 1 -highlighter